`` KARIMUNJAWA – Taman Bawah Laut Jawa, Indonesia ``

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Karimunjawa mungkin tak sepopuler Bali, Lombok, atau Bunaken. Namun, keindahan alam laut kepulauan ini tak kalah luar biasa.

`` Sosialita```


Nampaknya kata ini adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak korban kata yang mengalami pergeseran makna seiring berjalannya waktu.

`` Stik Keju Tempe : Camilan Gurih & Renyah ``


Pernahkan kalian tahu bahwa tempe dan keju itu bisa dicampur untuk dijadikan sebuah makanan berbentuk stick?,

``How to Study English Effectively``


  • Study English I: Activating Your Vocabulary Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on.

Diamonds Lyrics – RIHANA


Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

``The Kind Goose and the Poor Frog``

Once upon a time there was a kind goose that lived solitude in the jungle. The goose is not just kind but also beautiful, sincere and rich.

Nice Pict ^_^

My Experience

My Experience
               On last Saturday was a long day to me. I got one new experience. Not just for me, but for my friends too. On Saturday, 2013-01-06 exactly at 11 am after finished the class, I and my friends, my group looked for the tourist to interwiew.